Friday, August 02, 2019


Me encantó esta reflexion:
Al sistema no le sirve la función materna, porque no produce bienes económicos.
Al sistema no le sirve un ser humano, le sirve un consumidor.
Al sistema no le sirven humanos criados en amor y respeto, le sirven humanos con carencias (son los que más consumen).
Al sistema no le sirve la lactancia materna gratuita , le sirve lactancia industrial, artificial, compra y venta.
Al sistema no le sirve la lactancia materna inmunizadora, le sirven niños enfermos y padres comprando antibióticos.
Al sistema no le sirve la presencia materna para el hijo, le sirve una madre que enseguida vuelva sin chistar al circuito de producción laboral.
Al sistema no le sirven niños creciendo con creatividad e imaginación, le sirven niños creciendo alienados con pantallas que les dicen como debe ser el mundo.
Al sistema no le sirven niños felices, le sirven niños que pidan que compremos más y más cosas.
Al sistema no le servimos libres.
Por eso nuestra llegada al mundo y crianza son intervenidas, supervisadas, manoseadas, desconectadas, desafectadas, ignoradas, subvaluadas.
Sostengamos a las madres. ¡¡¡Maternar es una función social fundamental!!!
Por: Eugenia Governatori

Aisha is going to serve the Lord in Chile for 2 years

Aisha graduated when she was 21 years old and worked 1 year and a half as an Accountant. She earned a good income despite being a recent graduate. She continued studying, and in her plans was to pursue a master’s degree and other advance studies. But inside of her, she felt there was something else to do. We went to a missionary conference (Urbana), and there she went to a business missions' track where she felt more confident; however, the Lord called her to be a full-time missionary, not where she felt more comfortable but where she can learn to trust Him. It has not been easy, nor for her, neither for us. All these years, we have been used to financing all our missionary work with "our money", which is also God's provision. We pay our tickets and all related expenses out of our own pocket. Our daughters do the same in all the ministries where they serve (materials, special gifts, decorations, food), such as in the university, children's Sunday school, puppets, etc. In responding to Jesus’s calling to serve for a 2-year term in Chile, there is also the profound hope and faith that the One who is sending her, will also call His children to support her. So now, her job is to ask and invite those people who have heard this invitation from God. Are you that person? She must raise funds from people who commit to give from several options: one-time gift, monthly offerings, short-term or long-term. Every dollar counts! The missionary organization supports with training, counseling, but they also raise their own funds. So what Aisha raises is for her livelihood, to pay for the services of the missionary organization, to pay for her trips between the 4 cities in which she will be working, to pay her costs for photocopies and materials, and housing. Unfortunately, the local ministry in Chile can hardly pay their own few staffs. I invite you to pray and ask the Lord if you can support this young, obedient, and courageous missionary financially and/or prayers. If you want to know more details about it, she can meet with you and show you her presentation, with the data and work plan. I thank you, and wish that God blesses those good friends who already answered yes, and who have already signed up with their commitment in this link (All your donations are tax deductible and the receipt is sent as soon as they receive the donation):